Excellent news! One of the most joyous Jewish holidays is upon us. We could delve into the story of Hanukkah and the significance of menorahs and candles and singing and celebrating, but there's a time and a place, no? It probably makes more sense to get right into this drinking game we've so thoughtfully prepared. Really—all Jews on-staff here at Delish thought long and hard about how to help get you nice and lit (I know, I know, I'm so sorry) this holiday.

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So, behold: The Official 2018 Delish Hanukkah Drinking Game.

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Delish: Eat Like Every Day’s the Weekend

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There will, of course, be situations where your dads are a lot less fussy than ours or where you are just having the absolute worst luck with your dreidel. Your relatives could also have always known how to flawlessly pronounce "sufganiyot" and everyone could have committed the story of the Macabees to the heart so hard they've decided there's no use in singing about them.

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In all those cases, it's probably best you just nurse a bottle of Manischewitz all night long. In all the other cases, though, best of luck. You can also always elect to take a drink when anyone is driving you nuts or, you know, when you just feel all warm inside because menorahs are preeeeeeetttttty.

Either way, we're so looking forward to all your blurry candle pics next week.

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Tess Koman
Digital Director

Tess Koman covers breaking (food) news, opinion pieces, and features on larger happenings in the food world. She oversees editorial content on Delish. Her work has appeared on Cosmopolitan.com, Elle.com, and Esquire.com.